- 2022.07-至今:博士后,武汉大学
- 2016.09-2022.06:硕博连读,中国地质大学(武汉)

- 邮箱: yaorui123@cug.edu.cn
- 地址: 武汉大学遥感信息工程学院,珞喻路129号。
- 邮编: 430079
(16)Yao, R., Wang, L., Huang, X., Cao, Q., Wei, J., He, P., Wang, S., & Wang, L. (2023). Global seamless and high-resolution temperature dataset (GSHTD), 2001–2020. Remote Sensing of Environment, 286, 113422.(Link),(pdf)
(15)Yao, R., Wang, L., Huang, X., Cao, Q., & Peng, Y. (2022). A method for improving the estimation of extreme air temperature by satellite. Science of the Total Environment, 837, 155887.(Link),(pdf)
(14)Yao, R., Wang, L., Huang, X., Liu, Y., Niu, Z., Wang, S., & Wang, L. (2021). Long-term trends of surface and canopy layer urban heat island intensity in 272 cities in the mainland of China. Science of the Total Environment, 772, 145607.(Link), (pdf)
(13)Yao, R., Wang, L., Huang, X., Sun, L., Chen, R., Wu, X., Zhang, W., & Niu, Z. (2021). A Robust Method for Filling the Gaps in MODIS and VIIRS Land Surface Temperature Data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 1-15.(Link), (pdf)
(12)Yao, R., Wang, L., Huang, X., Wu, X., Yang, L., & Niu, Z. (2021). Assessing urbanization’s contribution to warming in mainland China using satellite-estimated air temperature data. Progress in Physical Geography: Earth and Environment, 45, 687-705.(Link), (pdf)
(11)Yao, R., Wang, L., Huang, X., Li, L., Sun, J., Wu, X., & Jiang, W. (2020). Developing a temporally accurate air temperature dataset for Mainland China. Science of the Total Environment, 706, 136037.(Link), (pdf)
(10)Yao, R., Wang, L., Wang, S., Wang, L., Wei, J., Li, J., & Yu, D. (2020). A detailed comparison of MYD11 and MYD21 land surface temperature products in mainland China. International Journal of Digital Earth, 13, 1391-1407.(Link),(pdf)
(9)Yao, R., Wang, L., Huang, X., Chen, X., & Liu, Z. (2019). Increased spatial heterogeneity in vegetation greenness due to vegetation greening in mainland China. Ecological Indicators, 99, 240-250.(Link), (pdf)
(8)Yao, R., Wang, L., Huang, X., Gong, W., & Xia, X. (2019). Greening in Rural Areas Increases the Surface Urban Heat Island Intensity. Geophysical Research Letters, 46, 2204-2212.(Link), (pdf)
(7)Yao, R., Cao, J., Wang, L., Zhang, W., & Wu, X. (2019). Urbanization effects on vegetation cover in major African cities during 2001-2017. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 75, 44-53.(Link),(pdf)
(6)Yao, R., Wang, L., Huang, X., Chen, J., Li, J., & Niu, Z. (2018). Less sensitive of urban surface to climate variability than rural in Northern China. Science of the Total Environment, 628-629, 650-660.(Link), (pdf)
(5)Yao, R., Wang, L., Huang, X., Niu, Y., Chen, Y., & Niu, Z. (2018). The influence of different data and method on estimating the surface urban heat island intensity. Ecological Indicators, 89, 45-55.(Link), (pdf)
(4)Yao, R., Wang, L., Huang, X., Zhang, W., Li, J., & Niu, Z. (2018). Interannual variations in surface urban heat island intensity and associated drivers in China. Journal of Environmental Management, 222, 86-94.(Link), (pdf)
(3)Yao, R., Wang, L., Gui, X., Zheng, Y., Zhang, H., & Huang, X. (2017). Urbanization Effects on Vegetation and Surface Urban Heat Islands in China’s Yangtze River Basin. Remote Sensing, 9, 540.(Link), (pdf)
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